OpenPages Teams With Another BI VendorOpenPages Teams With Another BI Vendor
The agreement is designed to broaden the reporting capabilities of OpenPages' Sarbanes-Oxley technology.
Compliance management software maker OpenPages struck a deal with business intelligence firm Cognos to broaden the reporting capabilities of OpenPages' Sarbanes-Oxley technology.
OpenPages hopes the partnership will help it give its business customers better insight into their operations and "greater confidence" for the quarterly assertions they'll be required to make under the terms of the Sarbanes-Oxley act.
OpenPages' compliance product, SOX Express, brings together document and business process management with simple reporting capabilities. The Cognos reporting tool to be combined with SOX Express, called ReportNet, is a more robust Web-based report and query-authoring package.
In June, OpenPages announced a similar pact with Cognos rival Hyperion. As part of that agreement, the companies agreed to allow Hyperion's Web-based dashboard product to tap SOX Express as a data source. OpenPages said at the time that it was approaching Cognos and Business Objects to establish similar agreements.
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