Standing at the CrossroadsStanding at the Crossroads
Should you outsource, upgrade, or simply leverage existing technology to improve ERP system performance?
Your company has invested a lot of money in your ERP system and since Y2K, it seems to have been an endless drain on resources (money and human) to get it deployed, train users, maintain it, and "upgrade." Initial ERP investments have led to continued reinvestment due to the never-ending functional enhancements that companies must synchronize across divisions and geographies.
Companies achieved efficiency gains from their ERP deployments, but are now realizing those gains aren't providing the anticipated return on the ongoing investments. To gain real value, they must leverage ERP systems to improve processes and the effectiveness of line-of-business workers. I recently visited with clients in North America and Europe, and every one of them told me that they are looking to answer two critical questions:
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