Truviso Upgrades Real-Time Analytics ProductTruviso Upgrades Real-Time Analytics Product
Continuous Analytics v3.2, aimed at advertising networks, Web publishers, and other digital service providers, tracks sets of Web visitors for almost any segment or dimension. The sets are continually updated as new Web log, page tag or beacon data is added to the system.
Truviso has upgraded its real-time analytics software, adding new technology that lets online advertising networks, Web publishers, and other digital service providers track users across a variety of segments and get immediate analysis of their interactions.
Continuous Analytics version 3.2, released Thursday, offers higher order analytics and other features that, for example, would enable an online publisher to see immediate changes in the popularity of their assets. As a result, they could change content to improve relevance and visitor engagement and to hopefully boost advertising impressions to increase revenue.
Other potential beneficiaries include online ad networks that could use the software to track campaign frequency and reach, and adjust ad inventory availability quickly when more ads are served than forecast.
Continuous Analytics tracks sets of visitors for almost any segment or dimension. The sets are continually updated as new Web log, page tag or beacon data is added to the system. The Truviso system provides roll-up of visitor counts and sessions, as well as aggregates that enable user computation or segmentation to be available immediately.
These functions can be used by developers in standard SQL query to track individual users for any attribute, time dimension or category. As a result, queries can be produced for many predictive analytics scoring models as simple, straightforward operations without expensive and repetitive full-table reads, according to the vendor.
To keep data fresh and reduce storage and maintenance costs, Continuous Analytics v3.2 has a new rolling data management feature that moves old data out of the system on a continuous basis to remove information that's older than 60 to 120 days. Such data is moved to a data warehouse or lower cost storage systems.
Truviso has upgraded the Continuous Analytics engine, called TruCQ, to take advantage of the latest multi-core CPU architectures, thereby providing customers with better scalability. As a result, a single eight-core server running theTruviso software can process up to 15 terabytes of data daily with near zero latency, Truviso claims. Version 3.2 also supports horizontal scalability for use in cluster configurations to partition query workloads across multiple machines.
Pricing for Continuous Analytics v3.2 was not disclosed.
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