IBM Updates WebSphereIBM Updates WebSphere
It's also introducing consulting services aimed at companies that are deploying Web services.
IBM on Wednesday introduced an update to its WebSphere integration software along with consulting services aimed at companies deploying Web services.
IBM updated its WebSphere integration server, a run-time environment designed to run applications written with the Business Process Execution Language, and said it would start selling consulting services to help customers assess their IT environment and then plan for using software written with Web-services specifications. The Business Process Execution Language is a specification for bringing together multiple Web services in a process between companies. BEA Systems, IBM, and Microsoft last year submitted the BPEL specification--co-authored by SAP and Siebel Systems--to the industry standards body Oasis. IBM's newest release lets developers visually construct workflows written with BPEL, according to IBM director Bob Sutor.
During the next two months, IBM will launch additional products and services aimed at companies using Web services, Sutor says. "People want to know whether they're getting in over their heads."
According to Sophie Mayo, an analyst at market research firm IDC, consulting and IT-services contracts for Web-services projects account for less than 1% of IBM's global-services revenue, which was $11.1 billion during the first quarter.
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